About OWCP Form CA-10
OWCP Form CA-10, also known as the Federal Employee’s Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation, is used by federal employees to file a claim for compensation for an occupational disease. An occupational disease is a condition that is caused by or aggravated by the employee’s work. It is different from a traumatic injury, which is caused by a specific event, such as a fall or a car accident.
To file a claim for compensation for an occupational disease, the employee must first submit Form CA-10 to their employing agency. The form must be completed and submitted within one year of the date the employee first became aware of the disease.
On Form CA-10, the federal employee must provide information about their occupational disease, including:
- The date they first became aware of the disease
- The nature of the disease
- The evidence they have that the disease was caused by or aggravated by their work
- Their medical expenses related to the disease
- Their lost wages due to the disease
- The employee’s employing agency will review the form and determine whether the employee is eligible for compensation. If the employee is eligible, the agency will begin processing the claim.
If the employee is denied compensation, they can appeal the decision to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP).
Here are some additional things to know about OWCP Form CA-10:
- The form can be downloaded from the OWCP website.
- The form must be completed and submitted in triplicate.
- The employee must sign the form and have it notarized.
- The employee must submit the form to their employing agency within one year of the date they first became aware of the disease.
If you have any questions about OWCP Form CA-10, you should contact your employing agency or the OWCP.